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Getting Started Guide for Users

minutes of reading

New to talkspirit? We welcome you!

In this article, we have put together some tips and links to help you get started. This page will evolve with the feedback of our users, so don't hesitate to send us your questions and suggestions.

Discover the interface

Connect to talkspirit

To log in, enter your username and password at:

Your exchanges are secure and only members can access this interface.

Overview of the platform

The talkspirit interface has several main sections:

  • The sharing of information is done through publications in groups or private messages addressed to one or more users.
  • The News Feed brings together in one place all the posts from groups you've joined and private messages exchanged.
  • Chatallows you to communicate with one or more people instantly.
  • The drive allows you to find all the documents saved on the platform according to their belonging to a group.

Complete your profile information

User profile

To change your profile information, go to the Profile & Preferences tab on the left sidebar.

User Directory

By selecting Information you will be able to enter your contact information as well as other information needed by your employees, which will appear on your profile.

You can also:

  • change your login information in Login,
  • add a profile picture in Profile,
  • complete information about your hierarchy in the organization in order to feed the organization chart of your structure (Organization chart).

Tip: A completed profile will allow you to communicate better with your colleagues because it will be easier to identify you and find you on the platform.

Profile settings

In the preferences section you will be able to modify the information related to your platform such as:

  • the language,
  • the colors of your platform (if authorized by an administrator),
  • playback options and notifications at your convenience.

Choose your notifications

There are several types of notifications that are displayed depending on whether you are on the platform or not.

Bell notification

You can enable, set or disable some of these notifications by going to the Notifications section of the Profile and Preferencestab.

Among them:

  • Browser notifications,
  • mobile notifications,
  • email notifications.

Group-related notifications can also be turned off.

To act on these notifications, you have two possibilities:

  • from your news feed, activate the "unfollow" option linked to a group,
  • from a chat, disable notifications in the settings.

You also have the option to mute all your notifications for a specific period of time.

Tip: Setting up your notifications is essential! By deactivating the notifications that you don't need, you'll bring out the notifications that are most important to you.

Discover registered users via the Directory

A user's profile can be viewed from the news feed, the chat and the user directory.

To go to the user directory, select "users" from the left sidebar.

User Directory View

This directory includes all the users registered on the platform and allows access to their profile as well as to the company's organization chart.

It is also possible to search for users of the platform based on a specific criterion (position, location, group, etc.) by typing the desired terms in the directory search bar.

Tip: It's possible to search by combining several criteria. For example, you can search for all users based in Paris whose skill is English.

Once you have found the user you want, you can instantly send them a chat or private message from this view, simply by selecting the type of chat you want.

User directory search

The group

A group is a space for sharing information and collaboration on a main topic. It gathers members (called "Group Members") and can welcome guests from time to time.

The group is characterized by a visual, a title, a description and an access level and can be administered by one or more managers.

Tip: You want to follow the activities of a group from time to time without being notified of each new activity? You can activate the "Do not follow anymore" option. You will not receive any more notifications related to this group but you will be able to access its contents whenever you want.

The group directory

To get an overview of the groups in your organization, go to the group directory.

Directory of groups

NB: the secret groups of which you are not a member will not be visible on this page.

You can choose to filter this overview by showing your groups, the groups you manage, your followed groups on the news feed, or your favorite groups.

Join a group

From the group directory, you can join a group in different ways depending on the privacy level of the group.

  • For an open group, just click on "join",
  • For a visible private group, you will need to request access to the group, which must be authorized by a competent member,

NB: you can only join an invisible (or secret) private group by invitation.

Create a group

From the group directory, you can create a group (provided that this option has been activated by an administrator).

To do this, simply click on "create a group" and then fill in the information related to this group:

  • its title and a possible description of the objectives of this group,
  • its privacy level (more information here).

Create a new publication

In a group

Once in a group, you can post a contribution. Go to the icon bar at the top of your News Feed.

List of publishing features

Talkspirit offers you different types of publications:  

  • A simple publication to which you can attach a photo gallery, a survey, a checklist, an attachment.
  • An event to which you can attach a photo gallery, a survey, a checklist, an attachment,
  • A live video.

Once your contribution is shared, all group members will have access to it and will be able to react and comment on it.

Publication formats

Tip: You can mention your colleagues in a post to generate a special notification for them.

You can also assign a publication when you are expecting an action from a colleague.

To one or more recipients

You can write a publication to one or more members without it being visible to all the users of the platform: these are called private publications.

The chat

If you want to chat with a colleague without publishing, you can create or join a chat.

Chat feedback

Join a group chat

When a group is created, the group manager may open a chat room related to that group. If you are a member of that group, you will then be automatically invited to join that chat. More information here.

Create a chat room

Go to the chat tab on the left sidebar and select "add". Choose the recipient(s) of the chat. You can now start your chat.

New chat discussion

It's possible to add recipients to an existing chat room. More information here.

Tip: You can double-click on a chat message to edit its content!

Create a document

On the drive

You can create a document by going to the Drive section of the platform.

View of the drive possibilities

This section can be accessed in two ways:

  • at the top right of your groups' news feed,
  • from the Drive tab on the left sidebar.
Drive directories and documents

From the Drive section, you can create 3 types of documents:

  • a text document,
  • a spreadsheet,
  • a presentation.

More information on these documents here.

Tip: Don't hesitate to invite one of your employees to join the group linked to the Drive document created to work together on this document.

Share a document in a publication

You can share a document as an attachment to one of your posts, but it will not be editable by group members and will not be automatically integrated into the Drive.

Download mobile and desktop apps

To download mobile and desktop applications, go to the Help & more tab on the left sidebar and select Downloads.

Download mobile applications

You can then choose which applications to download (mobile IOS, Android) or Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux) at your convenience.

NB: you can easily connect to your mobile application with a QR code that replaces the login and password. More information here.

Tips: By downloading the mobile application you can continue to work via your enterprise social network even when you are on the move. This way you can stay connected at all times.  

You can stop these push notifications at a set time in the Notifications section of the Profile and Preferences tab.

Need help?

If you encounter difficulties in using the tool, several solutions are available to you.

Help Center

You can access this help center from your user platform by:

  • selecting Help & More from the left sidebar of your platform
  • selecting Help Center

Online support

You can't find the answer to your question or you want to report a malfunction or an improvement proposal directly to the support team?

From your user platform:

  • select Help & More from the left sidebar of your platform,
  • Click on Online Support.

Email support

The support team can be contacted directly at email, at

Download the support

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