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What is the purpose of the Talkspirit platform?

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Talkspirit allows its users to connect, inform their colleagues and collaborate in teams

With the rise of the Internet, the digitalization of companies has accelerated rapidly, further accentuated by the health crisis. This digital acceleration is reflected today in the increase in teleworking, digitization of interactions, migration to the cloud...

This transformation of working methods in an increasingly fast and complex environment poses new challenges that can be met by deploying a collaborative platform. As IT tools multiply (as evidenced by the dozens of tabs open on your browser) and business processes become more complex, the collaborative platform is a productivity booster and represents a cost saving for the company.

Why? Because it centralizes all the tools, applications and information essential to the execution of your daily missions. Moreover, thanks to the implementation of mobile applications and the possibility of working from any device, it allows a geographical flexibility appreciated by the employee.

The collaborative platform is therefore an essential tool for any organization that wants to be agile and resilient. 

Through its implementation, the Talkspirit collaborative platform will allow your company to meet three big challenges:

  1. Connect your entire organization and thus develop the cohesion and sense of belonging of your employees to your structure. An agile organization should allow all its stakeholders to stay connected with each other.
  2. Facilitate access to and circulation of information in all directions: not just from the top down but also transversally. A fluid flow of information will continuously feed the collective intelligence and thus ensure its proper functioning.
  3. Support and develop online collaboration and thus facilitate the work of teams through new approaches based on sharing, communication and collaboration in real time.

The individual and collective benefits that you can get from using Talkspirit are the following

  • less time spent searching for information,
  • less time spent undergoing the constant solicitations of your mailbox (filing, archiving, soliciting and being solicited, .. ),
  • more ease in sharing documents and managing different versions,
  • less time spent in meetings (better sharing/synchronization),
  • a more transparent organization with a better understanding of what is going on in and out of the organization,
  • a greater proximity to his peers,
  • a greater sense of belonging,
  • a richer work experience in a more modern work environment. 

The implementation of Talkspirit thus offers you not only a greater capacity for innovation and collaboration but also the ability to develop cohesion and a sense of belonging—all essential in a society where the need to work remotely is increasingly necessary.

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