

LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum), like SAFe, is a methodological framework created by Bas Vodde and Craig Larman. Drawing on their personal experiences in the software industry, in 2013 they developed an extended and adapted version of SCRUM to coordinate multiple teams working on the same product, where the classic SCRUM method is designed for a single team.

The key principles of LeSS

LeSS proposes several principles for effectively orchestrating the work of SCRUM teams:

  • A single Product Owner: All teams work under the direction of a single Product Owner to ensure a coherent vision and coordination.
  • Sprintplanning one : A collective meeting between SCRUM teams to discuss projects and connect teams who will be collaborating on common tasks.
  • Specific Sprint Plannings can then be organized for each team.
  • Sprintreview: A time dedicated to assessing the progress and evolution of the product.
  • Sprintretrospective andsprint overallretrospective: In addition to the usual team retrospectives, the overall retrospective focuses on the quality of collaboration between teams, their closeness to customer needs and the work of the Product Owner to ensure overall cohesion.
  • Overall product backlog refinement and product backlog refinement : These steps allow us to detail the user-stories and more precisely define the backlog for the project as a whole.

A collaborative extension of SCRUM

By integrating these elements, LeSS complements the classic SCRUM framework by promoting greater collaboration between multiple teams working on the same product. This ensures better coordination, a unified vision and a more coherent approach to meeting customer needs.

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