

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a goal-setting method designed to align individual, team and organizational objectives.

How do you create this alignment with OKRs?

  1. Identify inspiring objectives before defining indicators (purpose-driven).
  2. Link these objectives to measurable, time-bound results (measurable).
  3. Link objectives and key results to concrete projects and action lists (operational).
  4. Cascade the organization's OKRs down to each team and then to individual levels (alignment and commitment).

Differences between OKRs and KPIs

Although OKRs and KPIs both help assess performance and measure results, their approach differs:

  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): focused on performance management and monitoring.
  • OKRs: focused on defining objectives and overall alignment within the organization.

Differences between OKRs and SMART objectives

SMART objectives lie between KPIs and OKRs:

  • SMART objectives: suitable for individual employees, as they enables us to set precise, measurable and realistic targets.
  • OKRs: best suited for deploying inspiring, collaborative goals across the organization.

OKRs are a powerful tool for mobilizing all employees around a shared vision, while making progress measurable and concrete.

Would you like to implement OKRs in your organization? Download our white paper "How to create sustainable OKRs" :

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