Sociocracy is a dynamic governance method theorized by Kees Boeke in the late 1940s. It is seen as an alternative to the traditional pyramidal organization, with its rigid hierarchy and top-down decision-making system.
Built around essential principles such as absolute transparency and fair remuneration, sociocracy is based on four fundamental pillars:
- Consent
- Circles
- The double link
- Election without a candidate
The principle of consent
Consent is at the heart of the decision-making process in a sociocratic organization.
Consent-based decision-making means that decisions are taken only when no relevant objections are raised against them.
This differs from consensus, where everyone in the group has to agree for a decision to be taken.
Dialogues and discussions within the sociocratic circle (or departmental circle) help to overcome these objections until a decision is unanimously not rejected by any member of the circle.
It would obviously be inconceivable for all decisions to be subject to such a protocol, especially in the day-to-day running of the company.
However, it is precisely by consent that it is determined which decisions fall outside this rule, to whom they are entrusted, within what limits and for how long.
The sociocratic circle
Building an organizational structure based on circles is the second fundamental rule of sociocracy.
These circles, designed as decision-making structures, are aligned with the company's functional structure.
Each business area has its own circle.
These circles are interconnected and apply the rule of consent to their internal administration: defining their own purpose, their objectives...
Finally, each circle is responsible for implementing the objectives set for it by the upper circle.
The double link
The double link is the rule that ensures that the circles complement each other.
Each circle is connected by two people.
Both people belong to both circles:
One is elected by the lower circle and is responsible for representing it.
The other is appointed by the upper circle and acts in the other circle as a kind of operational leader.
Election without a candidate
Finally, sociocracy has established a candidate-free election process as one of its fundamental rules.
When it comes to choosing a person to fill a position, a circle makes a specific designation rather than an election.
The absence of a candidate, open discussion and agreement on the final choice are the pillars that guarantee the circle's general approval of the legitimacy of the person appointed.
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