The acronym VUCA refers to the fact that today's business world is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.
Globalization, the digital transition, environmental issues, new consumer convictions and, today, the Covid-19 pandemic, mean that we need to rethink the way we produce and sell.
As situations can change rapidly and in many directions (volatility), companies need to be ready to make quick decisions without knowing how the situation will evolve (uncertainty).
Moving into the digital age means adapting to constantly evolving technologies that are complex to understand and untangle (complexity).
This lack of visibility and clarity, coupled with the many possible interpretations of each situation, makes our choices tricky, as it's impossible to know whether the proposed solution to a problem is the right one (ambiguity).
Faced with these challenges, some people become paralyzed and frightened by the changes demanded by a VUCA business world. But others change their mindset to adapt to the VUCA situation and acquire new strategic leadership skills.
The challenge for companies and their employees is to constantly adapt in order to anticipate future developments, reinventing historical models that have become obsolete and value-destroying.
The acronym VUCA sums up the general conditions of our new business environment. As a result, more and more companies are challenging themselves by learning agility and changing their vision to find the best possible leadership.
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